
HYBRID: Connecting through Spanking and Impact Play with Patrick

  • Hosted by Wicked Grounds
  • San Francisco, CA -
  • 40 people on the list-

This class will be offered both in person at the Wicked Grounds Annex in San Francisco, and simultaneously as a live, online class offered through Zoom. Please select SF or online tickets when purchasing.

Looking for ways to explore and deepen your connection through spanking and impact play? Tired of mechanical impact scenes at play parties? This workshop is all about the subtleties of spanking. After starting with a crash course on safety and basic knowledge, we’ll dive into the nuances of how to make spanking feel more personal and connective. This workshop will cover:

  • Implicit and explicit techniques for attuning to where your partner is in the scene.
  • How to enhance the physical touch and connection within a scene
  • Ways to keep a scene fresh and exciting, how to avoid feeling stagnated

And more!


Patrick has been involved in the San Francisco kink scene for several years. He’s fallen in love with how many versatile and varied ways kink lets you connect with a partner. They deeply enjoy the overlap between kink and other practices such as partner dance, flow arts, martial arts and mindfulness. As a switch, Patrick enjoys how playing on one side of the slash helps him gain empathy on the other side.


Please note: This class is available for free to Wicked Grounds Patreon members who are subscribed at the VIP level ($30/month or higher). If you are a current Patreon member at that level, please reach out to to be put on the guest list. You may select one Kink 101 class per month for this benefit. Want to join? Go to to sign up!

$15 - $35 in advance, or $20 - $40 at the door for in-person attendance.

We offer a sliding scale, so that cost is not a barrier to attendance.

The regular ticket is $25. This is what most people should pay.

The $15 ticket is offered for those for whom the $25 ticket would be a barrier to participation. If $25 is too much, we take your word for it! Just pay $15.

Have a great salary? Feeling generous? Paying at the $35 level allows us to make the discounted ticketing available to others who need it. :)

So - that's it! Choose the level you can comfortably afford.

If cost is a barrier at any point on the sliding scale, please use the Volunteer List at the bottom of the listing to request a scholarship seat.


This class will be taught out of the Wicked Grounds Annex, and will simultaneously be offered as a live, online class through Zoom. You may choose to attend in person at the Wicked Grounds Annex in San Francisco, or online from anywhere in the world!

In SF, this class will be held in the Wicked Grounds Annex. Please note that stairs at the front door are the only means of ingress and egress to the space. Proof of COVID vaccination and masking are both required for all participants. We recommend arriving 10 minutes before the class start time for check in; late check-ins may require you to have vaccination and ticketing verified next door at Wicked Grounds Cafe & Boutique before entry.

Please do not attend in person if you have any respiratory symptoms whatsoever. Anyone displaying signs of respiratory symptoms may be asked to leave, regardless of vaccination status.

Or, attend online anywhere via Zoom! To participate, you will need to download the free, basic version of the Zoom app before the class. This class WILL be recorded and is available for later viewing. Zoom now provides closed captioning which will be available for this event.

See more events in San Francisco, CA