
Rope Revolutions featuring @Naturalturn

  • Hosted by Mean Skillz
  • Vacaville, CA -
  • 17 people on the list-

Learn a flexible and modular rope bondage tie that can be used as a box-tie, body harness, mermaid tie, or any combination of those. The tie consists of several modules that can be combined in myriad ways, so with a bit of creativity you'll be able to apply it to many uses. Whether you're starting out or have been practicing rope, you'll be able to create and put variants of this tie to good use in creating beautiful, secure, and comfortable bondage. This is a beginning/intermediate level and fully hands-on rope bondage class. After covering the basics of safety, we'll spend most of the class doing hands-on rope.

The class is open to both singles and couples. Both single tops and bottoms are welcome. Singles will be asked to pair up for the rope exercises. Dress comfortably for rope.

Please bring:

5-6 30ft lengths of rope. (There will be a limited supply of ropes available to borrow.)

Yoga mat if not comfortable sitting on carpet

About the instructor:

@Naturalturn (They/Them) has been practicing beautiful rope art in the SF bay area scene for 29 years. He has taught dozens of workshops on various aspects of rope bondage ranging from beginning to advanced, both locally and nationally. Naturalturn is also a fire dancer and a photographer.


We will be having 2 house tops (@ClarkJKent and @IvyLimieux) as well as 2 house bottoms (@wickedtoad and @Jade_Viper) during our play party to help enhance your rope experience.

If interested in a tasting, please see the door attendant when checking in to the event or after the presentation is concluded.

In addition, suspension tastings will be done by Naturalturn. You miay sign up for those after the presentation has concluded and there are limited spots available.

Pick-up Play:

Those wishing to participate in pickup play will be given a special wristband at the door that signifies your interest in being a top, bottom, or switch. We will have house tops for those wishing to have a small negotiated scene.

Vetting and Payment

All attendees must be vetted either with Mean Skillz or Hidden Dungeon. Location of this event is in Vacaville, CA. After RSVPing on Fet, you will be sent a message with instructions on how to be vetted with Mean Skillz if not already a vetted member. While you’re not required to be in the Mean Skillz group ( to be vetted to attend, being an active member of our community is required. We do check your profile first. Please request to join the event and you’ll be sent an email with instructions. We do not vet any requests 48 hours or less before the event.

Already vetted? Please request to join the event on Fet for approval. You must prepay to attend through Forbidden tickets, or in person at a munch and no sales at the door.

Volunteer opportunities to be announced in the Mean Skillz discussion board so keep your eyes open for that announcement. This is a first come, first served basis for those who may not be financially able to attend.

Doors will open at 7:30pm and the class will start at 8:00pm. For those attending the workshop, it's suggested you arrive on time to have an excellent place to sit on the floor if you’re tying. Others will have seats available in the back spaces.. You don't want to miss this presentation!!

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