
Intro to Kink + Cultivating Community: Melanated Kink Series (a BIPOC space)

  • Hosted by Self Study by euni
  • San Diego, CA - address sent to ticket holders
  • 25 people on the list

*Self Study events are offered monthly at a variety of venues. Please make sure to check the location, time, and details to ensure you purchase a ticket for the correct event.

This event is open to the public and available for CSW Members + Non-Members. Exact address and contact details will be provided with your ticket confirmation.

Purchase tickets through Bloom. If cost is a prohibitor, we have sliding scale options available at

Questions? contact euni at


This in person workshop will cover the basic soft skills of kink, connection, intimacy + adult play. We will DISCUSS trauma informed practices for opening connections, holding SPACE, cultivating community, and nuanced experiences as people of color embodying + defining the intersectionalities of safety in exploring kink and community building alongside our other identities.

We will cover:




*Power Exchange.

*Releasing Shame

Facilitators: euni, Chap + Source

The Melanated Kink: TAKING UP SPACE series is a dedicated space for BIPOC people. You can attend one or multiple events.


Please bring your own mat, blanket/pillows for floor sitting. We will have chairs available. For this class, a notebook/something to take notes with. Wear/bring layers for personal comfort with varying temperatures. This is a dry + sober event feel free to bring snacks + N/A beverage to enjoy or share. Please be considerate of the community and if possible take a COVID test before arriving + kindly stay home if you are feeling sick. Masks are welcomed. Dress in whatever form of expression feels good for you - street clothes to the door and undergarments must stay on during this event. Please review our Event Prep page for more information and to familiarize yourself with our consent, ethics + etiquette standards.


This series will have 4 in person workshops in San Diego and 4 online discussions held from April through May. In person workshops will run 3 hours and online discussion will last 1 hour. Our intention with this series is to connect BIPOC people to one another, their body-centered expressions, resources, education, and a closed container space that will empower them to find, express, and explore kink within community. While guests may choose to join a single session or select multiple, we encourage joining us for the entire series, and co-creating a space that can grow to feel richer, safer, and more connective for everyone involved. The offerings are created to stand powerfully on their own so you will have the opportunity to benefit from joining us in whatever way best aligns for you.

In person sessions:

Each session holds space for 30 participates and can be attended solo or with a partner. Please purchase a ticket for each person attending. Attendees must be over 21 and will need to purchase their ticket with their legal name + bring a valid ID that matches to join. The in person sessions will be held at Club Safe Word in Downtown San Diego and address and further details will be sent with ticket confirmation. Please review the event preparation page for details of how to prepare, what to bring, and other FAQ’s.

To view the full series outline + learn more about the online discussions + our online community visit:

Sign up for the Sensory Playspace substack to find + receive resources direct to your inbox on intimacy, kink + healing and to find more invitations to connect with like-minded community.

If financial access is a barrier - we offer self selected sliding scale and have space for those who have more abundance and would like to pay-it-forward for another member in the community or to contribute towards the operational costs of hosting these events.

Find out more at:

See more events in San Diego, CA