
Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy: Picnic and Rally!

July 15 marks a global day of action to advance visibility and acceptance for non-monogamy in all its varieties. By sharing our stories, celebrating our communities, and raising awareness of our values and identities, we can normalize non-monogamy and create a more open and loving world.

To celebrate this Day of Visibility, the Bonobo Network and OPEN are hosting a family-friendly picnic for members and allies of the East Bay's diverse and vibrant non-monogamy community. Save the date!

We'll have a fantastic line-up of speakers, helpful resources on both practicing and normalizing non-monogamy, and fun activities for kids and adults. This is a picnic so bring your blankets, chairs, coolers, and lunch for yourself and your friends!

The full list of speakers and sponsors will be shared soon.

Please let us know if you'd like to volunteer on the day of the event to bring food, help on-site, host a family-friendly activity, or assist with set-up and strike by filling out this Google form:

See more events in Oakland, CA