
NYE Afterglow 2021

Comfort & Joy is incredibly excited to invite you to the long-awaited return of AFTERGLOW New Years Eve - the winter sister of our legendary pride party - back again to offer you a glorious evening of revelry and community as we ring in 2022!

It’s been a long haul through the pandemic, and whatever struggles you’ve been through, we all deserve a beautiful moment to collectively celebrate what we’ve overcome and the new world we have before us.

At Comfort & Joy we love creating magical spaces to celebrate each person’s unique light and to offer you cathartic escape and revival, and are incredibly grateful for the privilege of providing our beloved community with a special New Year’s Eve experience for you to bask in euphoric bliss with your fellow queerdos until the break of dawn.

We can't wait to welcome you and celebrate the new year together!

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Come dance your heart out - from doors open until 5am we’ll be taking you on an exhilarating journey with our spectacular DJ line-up, including:


9pm – DJ Aili Chudo

10pm - Homero Espinosa

11:45 - The Comfort & Joy Menagerie

12:15am – David Harness

2am – DJ Denise

3:30am – Steve Fabus

We’ll also have The Synthe Tigers, Prince Wolf and more DJs TBA featured in our other rooms.

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As a prelude to our midnight celebratory madness, our amazing Comfort & Joy Menagerie will help you usher in the new year with an explosive mix of artistic performances, music, dance, hope and love!

We’ll also be featuring the sensational vocals of Tobirus Mozelle, pole-dancing powerhouse Aurora Rose (Joshuah Ciafardone), glow hooping wonder Liam Ocean, and more!

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In our main rooms the Comfort & Joy Art Collective and other fabulous artists like Steve Dudek will be casting high witchery and fluorescent splendor.

Our cuddle tent will also be back to create space for more grounded interpersonal immediacy and caring touch, led by the ingenious Blue and with special tea service to help set intentions curated by the ever caring Phoenix (Brendan Neff-Hall).

And upstairs as always you can fall into a debaucherous whirlpool of luscious delights.

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>>Special Note about Consent & Communication<<

Comfort & Joy is here for you! If you ever need support, see someone who may or have other concerns at our parties, please find one of our 'vibe-raters' (purple glow collars) or a house manager (pink glow collars)

We want everyone to always feel respected, adventurous and safe at our events. Consent makes that possible. Please communicate and check in before touching. If you aren’t feeling it, a polite ‘no thank you’ is kind. ‘No’ is also a complete sentence. If you receive ‘no’ in any form, please be gracious and respect it. Ultimately, we request that we ask each other for permission rather than forgiveness, when it comes to consent.

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NYE silver/disco realness, dayglo/neon/glow anything and whatever else makes you feel fabulous most highly encouraged.

Face-paint artistic majesty by Dillon Rodriguez and more!

Photobooth by the ever impressive and talented Dot (PhotosByDot)

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And of course wave after wave of our special late-night fruity refreshments

Full clothes check available; this is a clothing optional & affection encouraged event

This event is 21+. Our apologies to the youngsters

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THERE ARE LOTS OF OPPORTUNITIES TO VOLUNTEER AND HELP US CREATE THE SOME NYE MAGIC! It takes a big ol’ queer village to manifest all of this merry madness and every party volunteer gets a free ticket.

Sign-up to volunteer here:

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NYE Afterglow is a luxurious, one-of-a-kind San Francisco celebration thrown by Comfort & Joy, a 501(c)3 volunteer-run non-profit and the winter sister of our legendary pride party. Proceeds enable us to host more fabulous parties, create our legendary village in the queerborhood at Burning Man, provide community art grants and offer free or discounted events supporting queer community, creativity, and expression here in the bay area. We thank you for your support!

See more events in San Francisco, CA